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Merchant Marine Navy Epaulette 1-4 bar gold epaulete Bullion Braid Captain Chief officer shoulder Shipping epaulettes

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$ 15.00 $ 20.00 -25% Tắt

This design shoulder back is valecro.

icon  30 days of construction  

icon   Hand-woven wire  

icon  Online purchases are available  

We are manufacturer of Shoulder Board Epaulets For Military Navy Air Force Merchant Marine
Our Merchant Marine Navy Epaulet Back is Valecro .Our Epaulet use good quality braid ,sides no Rag
Braid hasHeavy Shinny
Our Epaulettes include Captian Master Chief Office/First Officer Second Officer/Second Mate/ Third Officer Third Mate
Chief Engineer First Assistant Assistant /Second Engineer Third Assistant Engineer Fourth Engineer All Position Epaulet
It can be using in Uniform Epaulet Army Military Shipping Epaulet Captain Epaulet Capt Performace Costume Security Staff Also Can Make On Fashion Garment
Our Epaulet Made by Hand,All Bullion Braid and Quality with Size made by Military Standard.
We could make your design, Also you can choose our designs.
If you have order let me know, we will offer best price for you.



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